Friday, November 23, 2012

The Life of PI

Yesterday I saw the movie, Life of PI. If I could use only one word to describe this movie, it would be beautiful. It is the story of a young boy from India. His father has a zoo, and due to economic hardships they decide to move to Canada and take the Zoo animals with them in the hopes of selling them. Traveling across the Pacific on a Japanese Freighter, they encounter a terrible storm and the Freighter sinks, with the boy being the only survivor. His is in a lifeboat with an injured Zebra, a Hyena, a Baboon, and an unexpected Bengal Tiger who is a stowaway. Through natural selection the Boy and the Tiger end up alone on the lifeboat. The story tells of the battle between them, and then a truce for survival, and then friendship. It is a beautiful story, well filmed, and well acted. There is a point that brought me to tears. The end has a twist that will make you think about the story. A must see, and I loved it.

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