Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Truth

Wouldn't It Be Wonderful


My Youth

This picture depicts a large part of my youth. Hockey was everything. In the winter almost every backyard had a Hockey rink. We would play for hours. We would have home and away games, and travel to the neighbours for an away game. Almost every schoolyard had a rink that was taken care of and watered by the local firemen. Our big playoff games would be held at the school rinks. The games were important to us and a lot of people in the neighborhood would come and watch. Sometimes if the rink was lighted we would play into the night.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Dancing Queen

This beautiful little girl is my grand daughter Tashena. She loves to dance and she studies at the Virginia Tanner Dance group at the U of U. Recently she entered a contest at her school called Reflections. The students are asked to interpret  their skills, such as art, dance writing etc. Tashena of course entered in dance. She took some music that she liked and explained why she likes it and then choreographed a dance to it. She won her age division and now advances to State Competition. Her family is very proud of her.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas At My House

One of the absolutely wonderful things about Christmas is that for a few days I have all of my Family under one roof. At Christmas we go out and buy our own gifts and wrap them. The fun is watching each other open our gifts and see what each other bought. For fun we write on the gifts of a family member who "gave" us that gift. It us most fun watching the grandchildren open their gifts. Sean is as wired as he Can be and is excited for each gift. We then have a really wonderful dinner with many traditions. One of my favorite dishes is Pomegranate salad that Kristine makes. Then the family plays a game of Shanghai Rummy which is very loud and boisterous. I politely excuse myself from this game because to me it is annoying and tedious. The rest of the family really enjoys playing the game. I had a good Christmas and enjoyed the interaction with my family.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

I Dreamed A Dream

One of the most enjoyable experiences of my life was to go with my Family to see Les Miserables live in the Capitol Theatre. I loved it and have seen it several times since. Last night I went with my girls to see the new movie version. It was perfect.The Actors were phenomenal and each one fit the character the portrayed. The scenery was outstanding and the sets were spectacular. My all time favorite song is, "Empty Chairs and Empty Tables," and it was performed so well I had tears. I loved this movie so much that I am going to go back and see it this evening.

I went last night to see the movie again and it was twice as good. I paid attention to the scenes and the costumes. There are some Academy Awards here for sure. At the end of the movie, the both times I saw it the audience clapped, The final scene and song gave me goose bumps. I highly recommend this movie. I believe I would see it again, and I will definitely have a copy in the future.

So I went and saw this Movie for a third time ans it is still emotional and full of feeling. I have never done that before. I will probably go and see it again but not for a day or two. I can't  get the songs out of my head. I use them to sing myself to sleep.

Yes, I did see it for the fourth time. I was very tired and I slept through parts of it, but it was still very entertaining. I thought an interesting touch was that Colm Wilkinson who played the original Jon Valjon, played the priest. I have heard a lot of criticism of Russel Crowe, but I thought he did an excellent job. He just kept getting better. Amanda Siegfried got better with each showing to. Marius was outstanding. In his singing and his acting.