Saturday, November 24, 2012


The Maple Leaf the official Flag of Canada since 1966 
 The Union Jack the Official Flag of Great Britain since 1606
The Canadian Flag prior to 1966 
The Canadians truly love there flag, you will see it everywhere in Canada. Prior to 1966, Canada was a British Commonwealth Country. Our Flag at that time reflects our allegiance to Great Britain. In 1776 The United States was also a British Commonwealth Country. You guys beat them up and sent them home and created the USA. We waited 200 years and then asked them nicely and they said okay. My Grandfather was a Scot and a died in the wool member of the British Empire. He was very upset when we adopted the Maple Leaf as our National Flag. Lester Pearson was the Prime Minister at the time so Grandpa forever called the Flag, "Pearson's Snot Rag." We still are a Commonwealth Country, but we decide our own destiny. The Queen nominates a Governor General who is Representative for her but has no authority.I am still a Canadian Citizen although I have lived in the USA for 35 years, I am grateful for my heritage and very proud of it.

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